
Hello! Welcome to Books-A-Billion, a charity organization that helps schools, libraries, and even families attain books old and new! Here we are determined to allow access to books to those who want to read, wether it be for fun or to grow their knowledge on subjects. Reading is a very important skill and activity to us.. and what better way to expand accessibility of reading to others besides books? This is our mission, to spread the wonder of reading to other across the globe!

We have several locations around the globe at the moment, most noticeably in Washington DC, New York, Texas, and Florida. Though we have many smaller branches across the US, we are most popular in the United States with colleges and public libraries. You can get in contact with us at: (1) 777-777-7777 We look forward to you joining our family and helping our cause.

Want to Join us?

You can join us in person, over the web, or over call! Show up and become a part of our group whenever you feel like; we're always open! You can sign up, or if you have an account with us you can log in and see all the books you've donated and where they've been to! Joining us helps us grow and allows us to reach farther across the world to places that may be in need of books.

--Our Programs--
Younger Children Reading College Students Reading Together

Young Readers

Try our Young Readers program: where you can start them off at a young age, get them hooked on reading!

Scholars Program

Try our Scholars program: a program for those in Highschool and College who want to gain footing in their new environment. Try our vast selection of text books and dictionaries.